Portrait Dedicated
to Sigmund Firestone
In early 1940, the
American engineer Sigmund Firestone commissioned a self-portrait from
both Frida and Diego. They were paid a total of $500. Frida delivered
this self-portrait to Firestone in 1940 but Diego did not finish his self-portrait
until the following year.
In this self-portrait,
Frida is combining the pre-Columbian jewelry with the typical catholic
covering of the head, pointing to the duality of her roots, as well as
the duality of her country. In the inscription on the note in the upper
right corner Frida dedicates the self-portrait to Firestone and his two
daughters; Natalia and Alberta:
For Mr. Sigmund Firestone and his daughters Alberta and Natalia I painted
this self-portrait with affection, in February of 1940 - Frida Kahlo"
In a 1940 letter
to Firestone, Frida assures him that Diego will start his self-portrait
as soon as he finishes the murals he is working on. When his self-portrait
is finished she tells Firestone that: "
and we will be together
again on your wall, as a symbol of our remarriage. I am very happy and
proud because you like my portrait, it is not beautiful, but I made it
with a great pleasure for you".

on masonite
24" x 17"
Collection of
Violet Gershenson
New York
Óleo sobre fibra dura
61 x 43. cm.
Violet Gershenson
Nueva York

Self Portrait
for Sigmund Firestone
(January 1941)
de Diego
para Sigmund Firestone
(Enero de 1941)
al Sigmund Firestone
A principios de 1940,
el ingeniero Americano Sigmund Firestone encargó un autorretrato
a ambos, Frida y Diego. Les pagó un total de $500. Frida entregó
este autorretrato a Firestone en 1940, pero Diego no acabó su autorretrato
hasta el año siguiente.
En este autorretrato,
Frida combina las joyas pre-colombinas con la típica mantilla católica
en la cabeza, una vez más mostrando la dualidad de sus raíces,
así como la dualidad de su país. En la inscripción
en la parte superior derecha, Frida dedica este autorretrato a Firestone
y sus dos hijas, Natalia y Alberta:
Para el Señor Sigmund Firestone y sus hijas Alberta y Natalia pinté
este autorretrato con todo cariño, en Febrero de 1940. - Frida
En una carta de 1940 a Firestone, Frida le asegura que Diego empezará
su autorretrato tan pronto como acabe los murales en los que está
trabajando. Cuando acabe su autorretrato, Frida le dice a Firestone que:
estaremos juntos de nuevo en su pared, como símbolo
de nuestra nueva boda. Me siento muy feliz y orgullosa porque a usted
le gusta mi retrato, no es bonito, pero lo hice con un gran placer
para usted.".